Dusan CAF

Contact information

* Office:
Address: Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Digital Communications and Computer Networks,
Jamova 39, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: +386 61 177 33 79
Fax: +386 61 219 385
Email: dusan.caf@ijs.si


* B. Sc. in Electrical Engineering, November 1989, University of Maribor, Slovenia.
* M. Sc. in Electrical Engineering, October 1992, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
* Submitted doctoral disertation, Computer Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.


* University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
1987 - 1989, Assistant to Head of Department.

* Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Department of Digital Communications and Computer Networks
1990 - 1996, Research Assistant.

* Loughborough University of Technology, Parallel Algorithms Research Centre, United Kingdom
1991 - 1992, Visiting Research Assistant,
1994, Visiting Research Assistant.

* Slovene Young Researchers Society ("Drustvo mladih raziskovalcev Slovenije")
from 1995, President.

Research Interests

* Digital signal/image processing
* Parallel and distributed computer systems
* Parallel numerical analysis
* Preconditioned iterative methods
* Simulation


* 1987 - 1988
Dynamic Simulation of Continuous Processes,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor.

* 1989
Self-Tuning Controllers Based on Pole Placement,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor.

* 1991 - 1993
Algorithms for Parallel Computer and Multiprocessor Systems,
Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana.

* 1993 - 1995
Homogeneous parallel computer structures,
Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana.

* 1994 - 1996
From Analysis of Parallel Algorithms to Design of VLSI Architectures for Digital Signal and Image Processing,
Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana.

* 1991 - 1993
COST #229 - Digital Signal Processing,
active participation in working groups 2 and 4.

* 1993 - 1994
ALIS - Young Research Scientists Project, Parallel Architectures and Algorithms with Applications,
Parallel Algorithms Research Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, United Kingdom.

* 1994
TEMPUS - Staff Retraining and Updating,
Parallel Algorithms Research Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, United Kingdom.

* 1994
Summer School on Numerical Parallel Algorithms, Peniscola, Spain.

* from 1994
CEI PACT - Programming Environments, Algorithms, Applications, Compilers and Tools for Parallel Computation,
active participation in the workpackage WP-5 Parallel Numerics.

* 1996
Young Researchers Job Database ("Borza mladih raziskovalcev"),
subproject leader.

Selected Publications


* D. Caf and D. J. Evans.
A fast solution of banded circulant systems. Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, 3(11):263-271, 1995.

* D. J. Evans and D. Caf.
A sparse preconditioner for symmetric positive definite banded circulant and Toeplitz linear systems. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 54:229-238, 1994.

* D. J. Evans and D. Caf.
Linear systolic arrays for Toeplitz linear systems of equations. Journal of Parallel Algorithms and Applications, 2:155-172, 1994.

* D. Caf and D. J. Evans.
Computing the UL factorisation by Newton's method. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 48:39-51, 1993.

* D. Caf and D. J. Evans.
A new UL factorisation of banded Toeplitz and Hankel matrices. Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations, 1(3):263-270, 1993.

* J. Tasic, D. Caf and M. Gusev.
Solving linear systems of equations. Signal Processing, 31:91-96, 1993.


* J. P. Damijan and D. Caf.
Welfare effects of trade liberalisation and integration on Slovenian economy: a general equilibrium analysis. In S. Bovha, editor, Proceedings of the East Central European Economic Roundtable Conference IV: "Dynamic Effects of Economic Integration" - within Regional Business Meeting Point (1995, Bled), volume V of Transformation in Progress, pages 205-230, Ljubljana, 1995. Center for Foreign Trade.

* D. Caf and D. J. Evans.
A preconditioning strategy for banded circulant and Toeplitz systems. In G. de Pietro et al. editors, Proceedings of the International Workshop PARALLEL NUMERICS'95, pages 211-220, Sorrento, Italy, 27-29 September 1995.

* J. Tasic, D. Caf and M. Gusev.
Mapping a nongradient algorithm for unconstrained minimization into systolic arrays. In D. Docampo and A. R. Figueiras editors, Proceeding of the First COST 229 Work Group 2 Workshop, pages 212-221, Bayona la Real, Spain, 13-15 March 1991.

* J. Tasic and D. Caf.
Systolic algorithm design with application to the optimum FIR filter. In B. Zajc and F. Solina editors, Proceedings of the 6th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference MELECON'91, volume I, pages 383-386, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22-24 May 1990.

* D. Caf, R. Svecko and J. Vrbanec.
Self-tuning controllers based on pole placement. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, ITI'91, volume II, pages 6.7.1-6.7.6, Cavtat, Croatia, June 1990.

* V. Matko, B. Tovornik, D. Donlagic and D. Caf.
Dinamyc simulation of the absorbtion process of the H2SO4 production. In Proceedings of Macedonian "ETAI" Society Symposium, pages 76-88, Ohrid, Macedonia, September 1989.

Conference Committees

* member of the Local Organizing Committee of the Third International Workshop Parallel Numerics'96, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia, September 11-13, 1996.

Updated by: Dusan Caf
Last change: March 19, 1996.