Europe and North Africa Weather

To see a mpeg movie for a specific rectangular area just click on the circle identifying that area. Each movie consists of 24 frames and is automatically updated every two hours starting at midnight. Some areas are scaled. The last picture of D area is available ( 24K and 4K).

The movie of the entire Europe and North Africa, that can be seen here, is also generated at IJS and it is hourly updated.

Movies are created from infra red satellite images downloaded from every hour. Retrieved images are in jpeg format and are locally transferred in mpeg format using following public domain software

The JPEG Still Picture Compression Standard together with a MPEG Video Compression Standard for Multimedia Applications are described in details in this PostScript document which is written in Slovene language.

Above document is based on several sources, some of them are also available on the Internet:

See also MPEG animations demo and documentation page maintained by National Supercomputing Centre.

Created by Roman Novak